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Old 08-19-2006
jellydoughnut217 jellydoughnut217 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 403

Originally Posted by HostMaster
My wife doesnt want to see it. Personally it seems like a shallow plot, but the idea of having snakes on a plane sounds friggen rad. I'd grab em by the tail and swing them around and smack them against the overhead luggage to kill em and stuff. HM FTW.
Host, it's in no way supposed to be a serious movie. From the get go they envisioned it as the best-worst movie ever. It's supposed to be cheesy and laughable, yet ****ing awesome at the same time. See, here is the cool thing. There is absolutely NO way you can walk out of this movie dissapointed. All you will expect is snakes on a plane, and that's exactly what you will get, and after all those dissapointing summer movies ( x-3, superman, pirates...) it will be awesome not to walk out pissed off. Plus it has Sam Jackson saying "We got snakes on a M.F. Plane!' and other phrases with the words M.F., i dont see how it can go wrong
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