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chrisharper23 01-17-2006 10:25 PM

Unban please
1. mirishikiarichimonorikushi
2. Didn't catch a name, a friend playing didn't either
3. I suppose for sparying xxx pic
4. Yes, I sprayed a porn picture one time and I was kicked from server, ok that was enough to make me want to change my spray, ( too many people these last 2 weeks and porn sprays ) Admin killed me as I was playing ( death by admin was not spray related ) and then I quit the server to change the spray which I did to a red circle and white background. When I tried to re-enter the server I was then banned. Steam_Id:8422516. I am sorry for the posting, I've been playing a few weeks and was unsure of the complete game rules, and since practically everyone had a porn spray I figured why not. I am sorry for posting the picture and now am 100% knowledgeable of the rules and will follow them completely.... Thank you.

Hi BOb 01-18-2006 08:27 AM

I slayed this player 2 times for spraying that after warning the whole server over and over NOT to spray them. but I did not ban this player.

RoDenT 01-18-2006 09:41 AM

After X number of warnings using the spray tracker, it will ban the player for not listening or paying attention to the admin. I am not sure if it is temporary or not, and if it is not, it's your call to keep him banned or not bob.

chrisharper23 01-18-2006 09:56 AM

I didn't see any of the warnings, and I only sprayed 1 time, or 2, I know it was no more than that. If I am believed or not that is a different story.

On a side note: Rodent; I use to live in Woodland Hills till I just recently moved, I use to be the INTEL REP at the BEST BUY in TO, and the Circuit City on Lynn. Just thought that was cool to see someone from my area I use live in.

HostMaster 01-18-2006 10:13 AM

Unban him if he isn't already.

chrisharper23 01-18-2006 10:28 AM

thank you.

RoDenT 01-18-2006 10:49 AM

ah thats cool, i must have had an argument or two with ya if you worked at best buy =P hehe. You worked at both places? I didn't really goto Circuit City much, as I was too lazy to go the extra mile or two from best buy.

chrisharper23 01-18-2006 10:53 AM

well I was just a rep on the weekends, I always went to the CC more only because I worked as an EPSON REP at the Porter Ranch store for 2 years and I know the whole store, most of PCHO are still my friends. But People at Best Buy's are more asses than people at other stores. A cool job though just sell computers all day, lot of hotties in TO though, I'll give 'em that.

HostMaster 01-18-2006 10:54 AM

I issued the unban command. No more porn sprays please.

chrisharper23 01-18-2006 11:02 AM

thanks, I won't. I've been using the INTEL INSIDE logo, but everyone shot it up everytime.... AMD fanboys.

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