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FaceFull 03-29-2006 09:27 PM

banned again...
lol why was i banned again. i was playin as LuminousGaming. NiNe-t-NiNe and got kicked and banned. been playing there for a long time and have been banned before. i sitll dont hack


Caboose 03-29-2006 10:10 PM

rofl rofl rofl. I know he doesn't hack. He catches the hackers. rofl rofl rofl. Unban this mofo.

KillerRabbit 03-30-2006 09:13 AM

Nope he's wallhacking now, sniperk has demos of it. I also watched im for 2 hours, Just I didnt take a long enough demo when i was watching him or he would have been banned ealier.

FaceFull 03-30-2006 06:30 PM

i knew u were watching me for like 2 hours that one night. people said all i could do was awp, so then i start using all the other weapons and i get banned again. we do use vent in the server, i admit that, i even say so in the server.

we rarely ever give out locations though unless we r one of the last people alive so we can knife fight. once in a while if we r on the same team we will communicate like a match/scrim too.

as for me hacking, sorry but i dont hack. post these demos of me hacking. put some headphones on and turn up ur sound. then u will hear what i hear when i play. u make any kind of sound near me i will instantly know where u r. i know these maps like the back of my hand. fire a gun anywhere and i can tell where u r from across the map.

i have never hacked in any game ive ever played, and the only game ive ever cheated on was the original doom and duke 3d. ive played cali for sof2, my team was #1 for a year in t1, and ive played calm for css. i have nothing at all to hide. so go ahead and post these demos of me "hacking".

KillerRabbit 03-30-2006 09:40 PM

SniperK was the admin that banned you, He will post the demos of it soon.

KillerRabbit 03-30-2006 09:48 PM

The way you play you look like your walling, the demos will reviewed by a few ppl if they think your not you'll be unbanned. I watched you for 2 hours trying to figure it out.. just doing my job, I never was able to get a good demo since i didnt want to get one for 20+ minutes so i didnt ban.

FaceFull 03-31-2006 01:28 AM

well i am not walling. i use my radar, sound, and names to my advantage. i memerize peoples names that go in the opposite direction of me so that if i see that they die i know where the enemies might be comming from. i watch my radar a lot to makes sure sounds r nto friendlies. i pay attention to the dots on the radar and if the ystart dispppearing i know where to look.

u guys watch a skilled player and u probably dont understand how much time i put in to get my skill to that level. try watching some demos of good teams from gotfrag.com. so post my demo, i have nothin to hide at all. any skilled player that knows the game will understand how i play

SniperK 03-31-2006 07:36 AM

hAHAHA I KNEW HE WOULD POST TOLD U KILLER...ANYWAYS I DO HAVE THE DEMOS JUST GOTTA FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST THEM..facefull i have played with u in the past..and yes u where deffinately not as good as u play now..i have speced u be 4...and ur playing style is diffrent 2..but for a player to go from zero to something rediculous its hard for me to believe my self...i'm not leet or anything but i'm nor a noob either..and yes i do use my radar and use my sounds. and hate to break it to u but. half the demos on frag the players are useing hacks...some of them they are hella obvious..if i don't post the demo's i will send it to killer bunny=) and have him do it for me...i never suspected u of hacking at first gave u the benifit of a doubt..but yeah i got some good demo's of u...hahah

RoDenT 03-31-2006 08:18 AM

post the demos on this thread asap. zip them up and use the manage attachments feature at the bottom. we need to review it.

i myself dont believe he was hacking, but telling eachother where people are after you die through vent is considered as ghosting. we dont disable spectators from seeing the other team because it is a pug server, and friends that are on other teams might want to see the other person after they die, so we let them. if ghosting becomes a problem we will have to remove this feature.

ghosting is illegal on our server, so stop now.

when we review the demo and feel you were wallhacking, the ban will stay. if we feel you were ghosting i will lift the ban and give you a warning. if we feel you are just good, the ban will be lifted.

Liggy 03-31-2006 10:13 AM


but telling eachother where people are after you die
The bane of my existance.

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