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shoon 08-15-2006 01:25 AM

Application For Admin
1. Sean
2. shoon
3. I have read and agreed to all the rules posted
4. I play all throughout the day, but mainly at night around 12 - 2
5. I've been playing since CS 1.5
6. I've been playing on this server for about 5 months
7. Unfortunatly i do not have any admin experience but i am extremly eager to learn.
8. I want to be an admin because i often see cheaters and want to stop them from ruining others times in the server so they enjoy playing in it and continue to come back and i believe that i will be able to help with that.

Hooters 08-15-2006 09:06 AM

You don't want to be come admin... (not an official stance of the server) (just my thought that it ruins the game having to be admin and worrying about haxors to the maxor and other such suxoring stuff)

Homizide 08-15-2006 10:25 AM

ZOMG its shoon, this dude rocks he has my recomendation, I see him on the server a lot too. :D

bigboy61483 08-15-2006 06:03 PM

looks like a good asset to me. he has my recommendation.

Hi BOb 08-15-2006 08:52 PM

hoots like wazup u know our birthday is on the same day!? OWNAGE.. oh ya whatever I dont care if we need admins let people that play nots be one I gusse ... cheese

HostMaster 08-15-2006 09:02 PM

An admin told me he was wall hacking.

shoon 08-16-2006 01:38 AM

an admin told you that i was wall hacking?

Homizide 08-16-2006 10:56 AM

Im pretty sure he doesnt hack, otherwise so is liggy, and sniperk....

SniperK 08-16-2006 12:40 PM

lol lignite should never be called a hacker it might tickle him to much..and we all know i'm hax status...hahahah naw i was in there as well and i also assumed he was hacking cuz i have played with him in teh past...and he'd miss a whole lot..and i played with him yesterday he was shooting me behind a door be 4 he even came close of knowing i was there..i wasnt' bz being a stat whore..i woulda recorded a demo but i got a 2nd place spot on the server to with hold.and also he's been suspected by a lot of other players as well..i used to not think it cuz i didn't even think he was dat good..but the door thing happened like a million times..no offence to u shoon..i think ur a kool.but don't make it to obvious

Homizide 08-16-2006 01:03 PM

I was able to kill him, lets put it that way lol as for the whole door thing, sometimes when you run CSS on low setting shadows will apear on the other side, it happens on my laptop a lot...

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