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sways 03-12-2008 10:05 PM

What's Up?
Was feeling nostalgic... and I thought of good ol' wshost.net. What the **** happened? Man, that was a tight gaming community. Honestly haven't been a part of one since and I kinda missed that. **** was classic. Well, if anyone sees this, hit me up on AIM or just reply to the thread, my SN is FLUANCE. Hope all is well with u, peace!

RoDenT 03-18-2008 07:42 PM

Hi Hi Hi Hi :D

MaStEr~X 03-22-2008 11:22 AM

People decided RL was more important than games. What a backward life they must be living now. I'm glad to see some people didn't sway that far.

sways 03-28-2008 10:27 AM

:D What's up rodent??

You still an abusive admin X? lol

MaStEr~X 03-29-2008 08:54 PM


I was abusive?

So when are we all going to start a server again? CSS calls.

sways 03-30-2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X (Post 5931)

I was abusive?

So when are we all going to start a server again? CSS calls.

Okay, maybe not abusive... how bout crazy? haha

What's up with the CSS server though... I'm down to play.

HostMaster 04-01-2008 08:06 AM

We could be running a CSS server, bet we needs somebody to runs it!

sways 04-03-2008 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by HostMaster (Post 5933)
We could be running a CSS server, bet we needs somebody to runs it!

Boo! What happened to you being big boss man!? Those days were fun.

MaStEr~X 04-03-2008 05:36 PM

He discovered WoW?

cs_militia ONLY 24/7 wshost.net
24/24 FULL

That would be niiice.

HostMaster 04-10-2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X (Post 5936)
He discovered WoW?

cs_militia ONLY 24/7 wshost.net
24/24 FULL

That would be niiice.

It's not all about wow - I would play on my own CS server if it were rockin. The problem is I don't have as much time as I use to. I actually play wow less than I use to play CS.

Does someone want to head up a 24/7 militia server? Did you have 1.6 in mind or source?

sways 04-10-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X (Post 5936)
He discovered WoW?

cs_militia ONLY 24/7 wshost.net
24/24 FULL

That would be niiice.

I hate myself for using this word but:

That would be splashtagular. :rolleyes:

CS:S would be cool cuz i have it (even though the militia map SUCKS)


if you got 1.6, i would def go buy 1.6 - just because i'm still a wshost.net fan :D

MaStEr~X 04-15-2008 10:51 PM

b7.1 I say!

Require WON authentication!

And.. more sewer water. Now that would be splashtagular!

Happy Hopper 05-22-2008 11:49 PM

Hey guys, what is going on in here???

MaStEr~X 05-24-2008 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Hopper (Post 5948)
Hey guys, what is going on in here???

A whole lotta nothin'. How goes it?

sways 06-21-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Hopper (Post 5948)
Hey guys, what is going on in here???

LOL owned!

What's up jdloco?

Dude we should chill somewhere sometime. Just get everyone together for the hell of it!

RoDenT 07-14-2008 08:41 PM

I would say 1.6 just for militia....hated CSS militia.

sways 07-17-2008 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by RoDenT (Post 5999)
I would say 1.6 just for militia....hated CSS militia.

It would have to be 1.6

I got all excited over militia going to source and it ended up being ****ty.

It feels funny coming back here every now and then to see who still remembers wshost.net


Damn, i remember when u would type curses in the server and they'd have the wshost taglines... good times, good times.

Shorty 10-17-2008 03:46 PM

Wtf is up?!?!

SniperK 10-21-2008 06:10 PM

yo yo
WOW look at this long time no go on..F the 24/7 maltia we need to run the 24/7 d2 again 28/28 FTW

Homizide 02-11-2009 01:46 AM

holy crap it's been a long time

HostMaster 02-27-2009 11:23 AM

Oh my gosh, you're right!

What have you been up to? We need to get some stuff going on here, ressurect this shizzle.

MaStEr~X 08-20-2009 06:52 PM

Reunited and it feels so good.

Hi BOb 08-22-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X (Post 6085)
Reunited and it feels so good.

*does a little dance* hey gang get your pitch forks ready because we are about to raid the hell outta aion! RAWR:eek:

Shorty 08-24-2009 03:02 PM


HmniQ 08-24-2009 05:35 PM

Someone should post some old screenshots from the wshost.net days. Demos would be cool too, but they are too hard to play back. Does anybody even remember those commands? I think I still have my admin binds stored somewhere…



MaStEr~X 08-27-2009 01:57 AM

5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by HmniQ (Post 6088)
Someone should post some old screenshots from the wshost.net days. Demos would be cool too, but they are too hard to play back. Does anybody even remember those commands? I think I still have my admin binds stored somewhere…



I still have hundreds of demos from playing and watching possible cheaters. My favorite demos, though, are the ones that you pwn in, and when you play them back, you see that you missed every shot and died in strange ways... the demo is actually making stuff up as it goes along. Truly amazing.

I don't feel like installing old versions of HL just to play them and see us partying at the bar in cs_militia though. But if I did, I'd record them for all to see. That brings back some memories.

I still have the full admin list and details as well.... All your steam ID are belong to me!

Here are some screenshots.. I'll look for older ones later.

HmniQ 08-28-2009 10:21 AM

Haha MX you're such a hax0r :rolleyes:

sways 01-03-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by sways (Post 6004)
It feels funny coming back here every now and then to see who still remembers wshost.net

It's so random that i come back here at the most randomest times.

This thread has 18K+ views yet only a few posts.

Miss all the characters we had.

the Yackums! guys
WHS & the admins

If anyone remembers me or the 1.3-1.5 days, send me an email!


Hope all is well with u!


HmniQ 01-12-2011 03:19 PM

It's been a while, is there still a server?

sways 01-14-2011 02:30 PM

That's a good question that i would like the answer to!

HostMaster 05-20-2011 01:01 PM

We really should start something up.. I, MasterX, Blackeagle, and Alt-F4 have been playing some minecraft. Diepepsi was too, got me interested in it.

We have a minecraft server set up too.

You guys should email me.. paul at phillipsdata, that's a .com. Curious to see what everyone is up to, maybe start up a new community etc.

HmniQ 05-21-2011 05:39 PM

I think Minecraft would be a good substitute for CS, since it does not require continuous hours of play to get the same amount of fun / community out of it (although long hours is always what it turns into for me). I do miss the wshost gang though, those were some good old days. I didn't realize at the time that I'd still be reminiscing about it so many years later. You guys rock!

HM, do we need to message you for the server IP?

HmniQ 05-21-2011 06:54 PM

Which reminds me—has anyone built cs_militia in Minecraft yet? That would be awesome!

HostMaster 08-31-2011 02:45 PM

Hey hey!

I posted and then I didn't return, that was bad of me.

The Minecraft server is at port 24000. I haven't been on that much lately, but will when 1.8 comes out for sure.

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