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MaStEr~X 12-16-2004 03:12 PM

Server Suggestion
  • I suggest the server be put up and running.
  • I think it would be swell, by golly, to get adminmod (when at all possible).
  • The server name be addressed as follows: " PD Gaming - phillipsdata.com".
  • A scheduled csay message of "Stats and Forums\nPDgaming.com" should be advertised approximately four (4) times each level.
  • All maps be rotated through on the server with occasional (once every level) voting for maps with a change of map upon a super majority vote (2/3).
  • Start money at default: $800
  • Gravity at default: 800.
  • The potential admins (that have listed their "resumés" in the Application for Admin section) are to be reviewed carefully and placed on strict one (1) month probation of their powers* upon becoming an admin, should they be given it, to ensure a stable gaming enviornment, maintain gamers' revisitation, and to keep admin abuse to a minimum while the server is building itself up.
  • No potential admin applicant shall be reviewed unless his/her "resumé" be posted in the Application for Admin section.
  • Training of rules and general what-to-do/what-not-to-do decision making be given to new admins to clarify their accepted usage of administrative powers.
  • Extra money be provided in-game to members of the forum whom have become a Champion at an arcade game and/or extra money be provided in-game to members of the forum (if at all possible).
  • The level timelimit should be between 25 and 45 (preferably 30) minutes.
  • The MOTD welcome message should have a link for donations.
  • A weekly poll be established asking how well the server has been doing that specific week and final results should be sent to members of the "High Court" via e-mail for consideration.

*Probation of powers: Intensively watched usage of administrative powers to confirm that it is not used unless absolutely necessary (e.g. cheating). Temporary or indefinate removal of administrative powers to be determined by the "High Court" if probation should be violated.

RoDenT 12-16-2004 03:27 PM

Those suggestions are genius. The only idea that I think might have a problem is the extra money ingame to forum members and champions. It gives an unfair advantage against the people just joining the server and people not wanting to register on the forums. Instead, we could possibly put the champion's name in a csay message on the server when they join about what they are champion of and they have entered the server. Champions can get server recognition that way and it could influence the players on the server to visit the forums and try to beat the champion's score.

MaStEr~X 12-16-2004 04:24 PM

The idea is to get more people to join the forums and new-comers would have to register and become a champion at an arcade game to get the benefits. It's basically a seniority system where the people that are already registered are given benefits for being apart of pdgaming.com. Besides, the extra money won't be a lot, maybe just a few extra hundred dollars or something. The only real noticable difference would be the first couple rounds of gameplay.

Alt F4 12-16-2004 11:05 PM

This is a good idea in theory, I believe, but I foresee a hatred toward PDG "Champions" and other members by players not willing to/unable to take advantage of these rewards. As RoDenT stated, it will discourage new players from returning to PDG once they become aware of the inherent disadvantages of being a n00b.

One thing I feel strongly about, and I think many other will agree to as well, is that the PDG community's top priority must be to offer a fair, reliable, and entertaining gaming experience for everyone. I feel we should reach out to first time players, so they too can become regulars. We should strive to expand our community. The best way to do this is to set a standard and ensure that everyone, Admins and all, abide by and uphold these rules.

HostMaster 12-16-2004 11:53 PM

The idea behind these ideas is pretty much the same. To tie in the server with the forums and build a better community. I think to start, I may just have hourly pop-ups that praise the high score holders, and perhaps mention the current active threads of the day or something. That tied in with being able to see who is in game in the forums I think will be a good start. As time allows we can think about integrating other rewards for high score. I dont think its a good idea to allow prizes that offset the fairness of game play unless it is during a certain time of day. Like 11pm-12am is fun hour. Anyone who's high score gets invisibility, anyone who's posted in the last week gets noclip, anyone who's registered on the forums gets free guns. Then just go crazy go nuts for that hour. It will encourage people to at least register on the forums so they can get free guns. Even if it is only 1 hour per day, I think it should be time restricted and be opened up so that everyone could get some added benefit for just registering.

Alt F4 12-16-2004 11:58 PM

Heh. Fun hour because that's the time of day when you're in game!

RoDenT 12-17-2004 12:45 PM

rofl exactly.

Kitch 12-17-2004 03:03 PM


I suppose this means I have to put in an actual admin request app. :p

But all the ideas seem good, but I think the extra money for arcade champions should have a cap. That way we don't have arcade highscore whores just to get a couple extra thousand per round.

Maybe have an extra $100 per round per arcade game, max $300.

And intergration of the forums/game is a pretty good idea, as long as it doesn't clutter up the game. I've seen plenty of servers where you see csays and tsays all game talking about how your percentage for hitting your opponents left theigh and stupid crap like that.

There should be obvious site advertisements to include
-Server Purcahsing
-Advertising forum extras(IE, extra money arcade champs, etc)

Top 5(10?) players every stats update(half hour?)

Those should be the major ones.

Also the server name should include "West Coast" or "California" or similar to attract people wanting local servers.

And admins need to be cracked down on more, potentionally those who alter aspects of the game. I had a good tier system typed up on the old forums...I'll see if I can copy/paste it. But tsay/psay and whatnot are harmless, but map changes, godmode/noclip, kick/ban and slaying/team slaying are the most abused, and as such, in-depth tracking should be intergrated into the site

Perhaps have an "Admin Only" section which shows admin stats. Playtime vs Slays/kicks/bans and so on. That way we get a percentage of who is using the most commands while playing and its easier to see who is using their admin too much. If your a good admin, the players won't even know you're there.

And should the server get as active as it once was, reserved slots again?

Kitch 12-17-2004 03:10 PM

Found the posts on my heirachy system of admins

2 posts, 1 very detailed post going command by command, and a summary post

Hoots didn't really give a command by command distrabution of commands. He is pretty much saying

Level 1 - Total Control
Level 2 - Enforcer - Your basic grunt of an admin
Level 3 - More like a jumped up friend of an admin. Instead of standard players(regulars) AIM'ing an admin to help out and ban, these users can csay and ssay and do some basic "abusive" commands and hope they leave. Has to get a level 2+ to actually get another player out of the server(ban/kick)

The way I have it

Level 1 - Total control(no change here)
Level 2 - Level 3 commands + commands that don't really pertain to keeping the server cheater free. team_slay, map changes, timelimit changes, noclip, godmode, bury, stack, etc
Level 3 - Has enough power to actually remove another player and keep them out(kick/ban) along with enforcing server rules(slaying/slapping), but no commands to potentially abuse their position...at least give themselves an unfair advantage(godmode/noclipping, etc) or to alter the server(timelimit, map, etc)

Kitch 12-17-2004 03:11 PM

2nd post, very detailed.


My opinion

Level 1 = Top Tier Admin
Level 2 = Middle Tier Admin
Level 3 = Lower Tier Admin
1: admin_abort_vote: Aborts a vote in progress. - Level 2/3
2: admin_ban [] ['ip']: Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban. Level 2
3: admin_banip []: Bans targets ip address. 0 mintes is a permanent ban. - Level 1 only
4: admin_bury : Bury target in the ground. - Level 2/3
5: admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote. Level 2/3
6: admin_cfg : Executes config file on server. Level 1 only
7: admin_chat : Shows message only to other admins. Level 2/3
8: admin_csay [color] : Shows message in center of screen. Level 2/3
9: admin_denymap : Removes all votes for map. Level 2/3
10: admin_disco: Starts disco fever. Fun mode only. Level 2/3
----- Entries 1 - 10 Of 68 -----
----- Use 'admin_help 11' For More -----
] admin_elp 11
11: admin_dmesg : Direct message Level 1 Only
12: admin_execall : Force everyone to execute command. Level 1 only
13: admin_execclient : Force target to execute command. Level 1 only
14: admin_execteam : Force everyone on team to execute command. Level 1 only
15: admin_fraglimit : Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar. Level 1 only
16: admin_friendlyfire : Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar. Level 2
17: admin_fun <"on" | "off">: Turns fun mode on or off. Level 2/3
18: admin_gag []: Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag. Level 2/3
19: admin_glow : Causes you to glow that color. Level 2/3
20: admin_godmode <"on" | "off">: Sets godmode on target. Level 2
21: admin_gravity : Sets the sv_gravity cvar. Level 2/3
22: admin_hostname : Sets the hostname cvar. Level 1 only
23: admin_kick []: Kicks target. Level 2/3
24: admin_listmaps: Shows maps in mapcycle. Level 2/3
25: admin_llama : Llama-fy arget. Level 2/3
26: admin_map : Changes map. Level 2
27: admin_messagemode : Will treat 'say' as command. Level 2/3
28: admin_nextmap: Shows next map in cycle. Level 2/3
29: admin_noclip <"on" | "off">: Sets noclip on target. Level 2
30: admin_nomessagemode: Will treat 'say' as 'say'. Level 2/3
----- Entries 21 - 30 Of 68 -----
----- Use 'admin_help 31' For More -----
] admin_help 31
31: admin_nop***: Clears the server's p***word. Level 1 only
32: admin_p*** : Sets the server's p***word. Level 1 only
33: admin_pause: Sets the pausable cvar to 1 Level 1 only
34: admin_psay : Sends a private msg to target. Level 2/3
35: admin_rcon : Executes rcon command. Level 1 only
36: admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files. Level 1 only
37: admin_say : Shows a message from you as admin. Level 2
38: admin_servercfg : Sets the config file as the server's default. Level 1 only
39: admin_slap : Slaps target.Level 2/3
40: admin_slay : Slays target. Level 2/3
----- Entries 31 - 40 Of 68 -----
----- Use 'admin_help 41' For More -----
] admin_help 41
41: admin_slayteam : Slays everyone on eam. Level 2
42: admin_ssay : Shows a message admin without identification. Level 2/3
43: admin_stack: Will stack everyone on top of you. Level 2
44: admin_startvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote. Level 2/3
45: admin_teamplay : Sets the mp_teamplay cvar. Level 1 only
46: admin_teleport : Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin. Level 2
47: admin_timeleft: Shows the time left. Level 2/3
48: admin_timelimit : Sets the mp_timelimit cvar. Level 2

49: admin_tsay [color] : Prints msg on lower left of screen. Level 2/3
0: admin_unban : Unbans target. Level 2
----- Entries 41 - 50 Of 68 -----
----- Use 'admin_help 51' For More -----
] admin_help 51
51: admin_unbury : un-Bury target from the ground. Level 2
52: admin_ungag : Ungag target. Level 2/3
53: admin_unllama : Unllama-fy target. Level 2/3
54: admin_unpause: Sets the pausable cvar to 0. Level 1 only
55: admin_userlist []: Shows a list of users. Level 2/3
56: admin_userorigin : Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target. Level 2/3
57: admin_vote_kick : Starts a vote to ick target. Level 2/3
58: admin_vote_map : Starts a vote to change the map. Level 2/3
59: admin_vsay : Presents question as a vote. Level 2/3
60: say currentmap: Will respond with the current map's name. Level 2/3

Hostagedown 12-17-2004 06:30 PM

I like the admin system (didnt read it all but was there a "recruit admin" tier? if not might wanna add) also as far as giving money advantages to arcrade people i dunno =/. When i join a server and play on it randomly if I saw other people with more money than me just cause they logged onto a forum I would be like "scrue this im going to go find another server". As far as happy hour i think it would be interesting but maybe not as an everyday thing maybe like a once a week thing. Just my opinions though.

MaStEr~X 12-17-2004 06:55 PM

I don't really see why we would need, "West Coast/California" in the server name for the players to see before they connect. I don't know about anyone else, but I always check for lowest ping before I pick a server and pdgaming will have one of the very lowest.

All arcade games stats, should there be money implemented into the game for arcade champions, would be reset pretty often.

Alt F4 12-17-2004 07:04 PM

We wouldn't want people from NYC to be turned away from playing in our server simply because it is located in California. It's going to have one of the best pings, that's all that should matter to people.

As for the money thing... I don't know about any of you, but I'd rather spend my free time playing CSS than trying to outscore Master~X at some Atari 2600 game for a few extra bucks.

If any rewards should be given, they should be for most headshots with a knife, and the reward should be $1.27.

Hi BOb 12-17-2004 07:21 PM

rewards? Now it sounds like we will be begging people to join our servers. Guys we havn't even started the server up maybe just maybe we don't need to waste thoughts. Most people dont like rewards ( yea I know weirdos ) but most people just want to kill some people in a good clean fast server. Just keep that in mind before you think to hard over nothing.

UrbanMerc |- Godsend 12-22-2004 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by MaStEr~X
I don't really see why we would need, "West Coast/California" in the server name for the players to see before they connect. I don't know about anyone else, but I always check for lowest ping before I pick a server and pdgaming will have one of the very lowest.

All arcade games stats, should there be money implemented into the game for arcade champions, would be reset pretty often.

i also look at ping first but there are those people out there that look for local servers. i have done it in the past. if i'm playing a game and i see an SF server i will usually check it out because i know my ping will generally be lower then any other server i look at plus i can talk to people from my area.

as far as the arcade points transfering into the server i don't like the idea at all. anything that unbalances the game will drive people away. even if its only a few hundred $$ some people will get annoyed and leave. i know i personally would not want to play somewhere, where someone else has an instant advantage over me.

Kitch 12-23-2004 12:40 AM

I've semi-done the same, like if I have a decision between 2 low-ping servers, but one of them has "San Jose" or some location somewhat close, I'll pick that one since I know the ping will be constant.

But it also adds clutter to the name. I see server names like "[OMGCOOLCLAN] OfIficiAL sUrveR - HostTEd by ULTRASERVERS.NET SUpR hoSts - de_dust 24/7"

Which just looks idiotic

Hostagedown 12-24-2004 07:21 PM

I agree with Bob... rewards =/

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