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Old 06-07-2005
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still will not shut up....
To start I will tell the hole start and mission you most do.
When you get the game you put in the two cds and get it and then no cds to play. you make a account useing the cd key you get in your cd case. When you get a email(of your choice) and password (of your choice) you can start to do more options you can change hot keys, video, sound, ex. Much like most games.
I put everything as high as it goes and go to the next step. Then I started to make my Char. much like alot of new games you can make your own guy. you can have diffrent haircuts/hair color skin color/face and male/female and the size from small to tall. However no matter girl or boy tall or small your power will not be any diffrent. After that I started to load the game 1st downloading the map ( only a few sec. ). When its all done you start to watch a movie. pretty much to some it up there is a kingdom that is under atk. and the line of def. needs help and the kingdom needs heros to help save everything from falling into the wrong hands. after that you find yourself in a nice peacful town full of people dacning/trading/buying/selling ex. Whenever you see a guy with " ! " above his head you know he has. The king has quest and mission for you to do to prove yourself worthy to be a hero for the kingdom. (the towns are full of wanta be heros) When you get a mission/quest you leave the town and go out side for a nice freash air. There are monsers always on the lerk as you can see them on your map on the top right of the screen. One of the main things you most do it find a diffrent professtion when you make a guy you pick what you want to be like a monk/warrior ex.
In the game you most have 2 profresstions to bet the game. you most talk to people with " ! " over there heads and do what they ask if you do it talk back to them and if its a monk mission to prove yourself worthy for a monk he will ask you " are you ready to be a monk " you dont have to say yes but if you do you forever a somthing/monk. When you get two professtions and a good deals of fighting and getting hold of the game you most go back to the town your started in ( hit m in the game find the city and click travel to get there no matter where you are.)
then you go to almost the same spot you started in and talk to the same guy with the 1st " ! " you seen. he will ask you " are you ready to leave behind everything? " if you say yes you CAN NOT EVER EVER come back to this small map. click yes and you get a 4 on 4 mach of people. fight the people no matter win or lose and you will have to do a little mission ( have to do it ) just kill one guys its easy. when you kill the guy a another little video comes up and if you watch it the bad guys found away to blow up the great walls that had held them from taking over the weak land. when the town walls are town its suddely two years after that your in the ruins of the 1st town you where in and in front of you is a town with alot of people in it. when you get into the town you can buy new armor/weps/ dyes /materials /storage/goods and other stuff if you have money to buy from the people trading in the town.

after this you can go into the ruins of the run down what was once the city so strong. theres stronger monsers and more rare iteams and much much more money to be hold. When you start to get farther you will noice people will get harder. more gold and better iteams will fall form high level monsters. when you look on your map you will find nothing to be the same everything has changed. before you could only go a little ways becaouse of the wall stopping to. Now that thats gone the map is about 3000 times bigger. and thats a big map.
When you start in the new world you mite need a guild of people or person. you can go to otwn and click on they're names and just click " invite " and if they accept it you now have a pard. then when you leave the town that guy you invited will be right next to you. if you do magic that hurts a area dont worry you cant hurt your guy or team mates. The longer you fight the more stuff you pick up the more stuff you pick up the better chance you got to get dyes and other rare iteams. you can sell anything and everything (but not quest iteams) in a town to the computer shops...
well I think that will do it for now if you need any more info on the game just post and I'll try to answer what you want about the game.
Hi BOb out.
One BOb to rule them all
hi, my name is Bob and I am a chips addict, I eat doritos and corn chips.. somtimes with salsa. *sits back down*
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